Cool Links
Exactly what it sounds like: other sites I find online. All links open in a new tab. At some point I'll get a submission system set up so I can post links/webrings for other people's sites. Stay tuned!
Assorted media sites with content I think others with my sense of humor would enjoy

Yeast Radio
Fellow Netizens
Other folks I've met who are also building their own websites

Tech Stuff
Random Tech Coolness
KVNAUST on Youtube - Searches for obscure videos on Youtube & details on how to do your own searchesWebsite Building
FREE tools or references that I used to build this site
jQuery Javascript libraryjQuery Plugins by malsup (I used Cycle2)
Notepad++ source editor
Pulsar source editor
WinSCP File Manager (For WebDAV)
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulator Program)
Microsoft Design AI (For banner images) (Same as above)
Atabook Free Guestbook
CSS3 backgrounds (Github)